Do you need auto insurance on a new car? Could you use a few extra dollars in your pocket? Privett Insurance Group can help! We look at your current coverage, as well as the coverage you would like, shop major insurance carriers, and get you the best quote on the market. We’re not always the cheapest, but cheap isn’t always best. We’ll make sure you have the coverage you need, and we’ll make it as affordable as possible. When all of your most valued possessions are at stake … your health, your family, your home, your autos … you want the RIGHT coverage, not necessarily the cheapest plan. We will provide the BEST coverage at the BEST rate, without compromising your assets.

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Your home is the one place you feel the safest. It is imperative that you protect it just the same. You may not be aware of your current coverage or just not have enough. We’ll make sure that in the event of a disaster that you and your family are protected against total loss. We will take a look at your current coverage and match it up with your needs to ensure that you have enough coverage if the time comes. When all of your most valued possessions are at stake … your health, your family, your home, your autos … you want the RIGHT coverage, not necessarily the cheapest plan. We will provide the BEST coverage at the BEST rate, without compromising your assets.

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Your business is your lifeline. It’s the way you pay the bills, and it’s the way your employees pay the bills. Protecting your assets in time of need is imperative. When all of your most valued possessions are at stake … your health, your family, your home, your autos … you want the RIGHT coverage, not necessarily the cheapest plan. We will provide the BEST coverage at the BEST rate, without compromising your assets. Are your loved ones protected should the worst happen? We spend our lives working and growing families. We feel comfort in our ability to keep them safe. The great thing is, we can can carry that safety on after we’re gone if we have the right coverage. Talk to one of our experienced life insurance representatives today. We’ll help you determine what coverage you need to make sure your family is left with a stable future after your passing. When all of your most valued possessions are at stake … your health, your family, your home, your autos … you want the RIGHT coverage, not necessarily the cheapest plan. We will provide the BEST coverage at the BEST rate, without compromising your assets. Auto Insurance in East Tennessee Home Owner’s Insurance in East Tennessee Life Insurance in East Tennessee Medical Insurance in East Tennessee Business Insurance in East Tennessee Workers Compin East Tennessee Umbrella Policiesin East Tennessee Jewelry Insurance in East Tennessee Boat Insurance in East Tennessee Condo Insurance in East Tennessee Renter’s Insurance in East Tennessee Wedding Insurance in East Tennessee and more!